Winners Board
Name | Wins |
Sergio Botero | 4 |
Vanessa Vail | 2 |
Beth Byron | 1 |
Matt Turner | 1 |
Carolyn Dafoore | 3 |
Anne Stevenson | 2 |
Thomas | 1 |
Todd Hurtubise | 1 |
Alex Strong | 2 |
Kathryn Hill | 1 |
Week 1 Winners
Sergio Botero & Vanessa Vail
Week 2 Winners
Sergio Botero & Vanessa Vail
Group Shot Sergio Botero Vanessa Vail Flamingo
Week 3 Winners
Sergio Botero & Beth Byron
Week 4 Winners
Matt Turner & Carolyn Dafoore, Cat 1
Week 4 Raffle Winners (Received Wahoo Bottles and Scratch Labs bars)
Week 5 Winners
New winners in both the men and women’s category. The competition is revving up. It’s still anyone’s race to win.
Week 6 Winners
A new winner in the men’s category. Carolyne scores her second victory.
Carolyne Defoore & Todd Hurtubise
Week 7 Winners
Kathryn Hill
Alex Strong
Week 8 Winners
Competition is heating up Both Alex Strong and Ann Stevenson claim their 2nd wins.
Alex Strong & Anne Stevenson
Week 9 Winners
New Winners showing off their prize support of Skratch Labs and Wahoo goodness.
Week 10 Winners
Week 10 might be a lock for Sergio, that is unless someone can put a stop to Sergio’s winning streak, he will likely be the overall winner. Carolyn Dafoore, who also won this week get’s her 3rd win and with one more week could tie Sergio’s record.
Week 10 Winners – Carolyn Dafoore and Sergio Batola