Zwift Tour Of London

Zwift Tour Of London

Zwift Tour Of London

Are you ready for the 2nd Annual Tour of London? Finish all the stages of this 5-stage event and you’ll earn an exclusive kit.

The Tour of London brings together hundreds of Zwifters. Some just want to explore the London course. Others hammer for their PR up Leith Hill. And some put their head down and go as hard as they can. How you ride the Tour is up to you.

Although it’s not a race, the action ramps up right from the start. Riders will push hard at each stage, competing as they head towards the finish. Choose a group based on the distance you want to ride and go at your own pace. There’s also a group just for women. Want to ride with a different group on different stages? No problem. Have fun, chat with fellow Zwifters, and be generous with those Ride Ons.


Zwifters who finish all 5-stages will unlock the official Tour of London kit. Completing the event is the only way to unlock this badge of honor — so don’t miss your chance. Finishers will receive their kit before December 31, 2018.


No, it’s a personal challenge against the clock. Some participants will ride the event like a race, but there is no podium at the end of the Tour of London.  It’s all about getting on the bike, pushing yourself, and completing all 5 stages.


  • A Group (Long Distance) = The A Group rides the long-distance event.  It’s not a faster group. Just a group that wants to Zwift a longer stage. Men and women can join this group.
  • B Group (Short Distance) = The B Group rides the short-distance event.  It’s not a slower group. Just a group that wants to ride a shorter stage. Men and women can join this group.
  • C Group (Women-only) = The C Group is just for women.

Zwifters can join different groups on different stages.


  • Stage 1 = December 13th (Thursday)
  • Stage 2 = December 15th (Saturday)
  • Stage 3 = December 17th (Monday)
  • Stage 4 = December 19th (Wednesday)
  • Stage 5 = December 21st (Friday)
  • Makeup Day = December 23rd (Sunday)

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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