Alpe du Zwift Alpe D’Huez (New Watopia Map)

Alpe du Zwift Alpe D'Huez (New Watopia Map)

For those who love climbing be prepared…Zwift just introduced Alpe Du Zwift, a killer climb that will having you going up and up and up.  With grades oscillating between 6% to 15%, Aphe Du Zwift could bring you to tears and humble you beyond your years.

Alpe Du Zwift

Alpe Du Zwift is Zwift’s newest map in the Watopia universe and replicates the Alpe D’Huez course profile.  Zwift created the map using accurate GPS and Altitude data to simulate the Alpe D’Huez climb and I think they nailed it.

The map includes 21 turns and displays each turn marker in a new map viewer.  Rather than counting up, the turn markers count down to the finish.

It’s an epic ride that will certainly give your legs an excellent workout.

Alpe D’Huez History

Found in 1936, Alpe D’Huez is one of the oldest French ski resorts.  In 1952 the climb to Alpe D’Huez became part of the Tour De France and has been one of the most premier climbs in cycling history.

First Impressions

While I didn’t get a chance to ride the whole climb, I did ride it to turn 15 and after the ride I can feel my legs a bit tired.

It makes sense that this epic climb would be emulated in Zwift and I think they have done a fantastic job.  The visuals are outstanding and the climb is amazing.

Update: April 1, 2018:  Happy Easter.  I made another attempt at recording the Alpe Du Zwift assent, but was thwarted due to my computer storage running out.  Apparently my computer couldn’t hang for the hour I was riding.  I made it to turn 4 and decided to bail.  I need to make more storage available and probably get a faster computer.

What really amazed me was some of the climbers that passed me.  A few just blew by as they were putting out serious watts.


About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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