Cycling Bells and Whistles and Running Too

Today I thought I would do something completely different and talk about safety while exercising. Most people know about helmets and lights, but a lot of people don’t realize that having bells or being able to whistle can be a life saver.
Over the years I have cycled and run, I have used my own wolf whistle technique to warn people either to look up or to warn them that I am approaching. Sometimes motorists simply don’t see you and knowing how to make a really loud whistle can get their attention fast. Now it will not always work, but it’s your best defense against someone who is not paying attention.
When performing a wolf whistle, you want to be able to do it without using your fingers. Here are a few videos that should help you learn the technique.
Beyond whistling it’s a great idea to get a bike or running bell (Yes they make those too). If you run or cycle in an area that has a lot of foot traffic, having a bell will normally get people to move over. It is also a great way to warn them that you are approaching. It’s less intrusive than a wolf whistle and it usually is received with a better response.
Runbell and Running
At The Running Event this year I got a chance to talk to the owners of Runbell and get the scoop on their cool runner’s bell. They launched Runbell with a Kickstarter campaign, but unfortunately couldn’t get funded. Not taking no for an answer they have been able to attract a large following in Japan and Sweden.
The bells come in 2 flavors, his and hers and have multiple rubber sizing rings to fit most hands.
There are lots of cycling bells to choose from, but here is one by Spurcycle that we thought had clean lines and would work on an everyday beater bike or a high end beauty. It retails for $35.
So learn how to wolf whistle without your fingers, get yourself a bike bell and be safer than you were before.