SportRx And Oakley Flak 2.0 Collaboration


For many people, the world is but a blur.  Whether it’s cycling or running or cross-training, life can certainly be out of focus.  That is where the folks at SportRx come in.  They bring clarity to your world, by helping you find your perfect eyewear.  What SportRX does is excel in finding sport-specific frames and match them with your exact prescription.  The combination means you will get awesome sport-specific eyeglasses that are geared towards athletes.

SportRX Oakley Flak 2.0 XL

Recently SportRX teamed up Oakley on a collaboration designing a custom version of the Oakley Flak 2.0 XL, which turns out to be one of Oakley hottest shades. A cool marketing company named Purple Orange reached out asking if GearMashers would be interested in testing a pair.

Oakley…SportRX… HECK YEAH!

Obviously, for testing purposes, I would need to get an eye exam and a prescription with all my pertinent eye information. Things like Sphere, Cylinder and Axis. All of this doesn’t make much sense to me, but the folks at SportRX know what it means and because of that can make customized sunglasses with the results.

6 Step Process

The whole concept of SportRX is to create awesome prescription glasses from your favorite eye companies, Oakley being one of them.

Usually, when working with SportRX you have to decide what sunglasses you want or if you don’t know, the folks at SportRX can guide you into the right pair. In this case, SportRx was going to create a prescription pair of the Flak 2.0 XL for me to test out.

1. Eye Exam

Prior to contacting SportRX, you will need to get your eyes checked and find out what your prescription is.  I hadn’t had an eye exam in a while, so off to Walmart I went.  I knew they had an eye doctor there and it didn’t cost a ton to get an eye exam.  I am sure they might be better places to go, but for the price, Walmart seemed good enough for me.  After the exam, make sure you get a copy of your eye exam results.  You will need your eye exam info when talking to SportRX. 

SportRX will also want to know your pupil distance, often called Pupillary Distance or PD.  This is measured in millimeters from the center of one pupil to the other.  PD should be on your eyeglass prescription card and if it’s not you can use a metric ruler and sort of look in a mirror or have someone do this for you.  Typical distances fall somewhere in the 6o’s.  My PD is 65. 

2. Talk To A SportRX Optician

Once you have your PD measurement and prescription information, it’s time to call SportRx and set up an appointment to speak with a SportRx optician.

During the appointment, the SportRx optician will ask a series of questions about what sports you do and what your ultimate requirements are.  SportRx carries a wide range of frames from all the big-name companies including Oakley, Rudy Project, Smith, Bolle and just about any other company you can think of.

3. Select A Pair Of Sports Glasses

Normally you would continue talking to the SportRX optician about what you want and they could steer you into the right frames. In this case, I would be testing out the FLAKs, so I didn’t need any advice.

4. Picking A Color

Once you have chosen a pair to your liking, you will have a choice of color options and in some cases a lot of color options.

5. Customize Your Lenses

SportRX can customize the lenses by adding things like anti-reflective coatings, designing them to be transition glasses and probably a few other cool combos.

6. Finalize the Order

Once everything is all set you finalize your purchase and wait for the glasses to arrive.

Let’s Review

  • Step 1: Get your prescription
  • Step 2: Setup an eyewear consultation with SportRX
  • Step 3: Select a pair of eyeglasses
  • Step 4: Choose a color
  • Step 5: Customize your lenses
  • Step 6: Finalize the order.

My Experience

This is the 2nd time I have ordered prescription glasses from SportRX and in both cases, they delivered exactly what I ordered. To be honest it was virtually painless. 

The hardest part of the whole process for most people will be scheduling a time for the consultation, that and getting the actual eye exam.

The sunglass package arrived in a little black box.
FLAK 2.o XL – Frame Matte Carbon
The glasses came with a cleaning cloth, an eyeglass case and an extra set of no prescription lenses.
Front View Of The Oakley FLAK 2.0 XL
Side View Of The Oakley FLAK 2.0 XL

Oakley FLAK 2.0 XL

The advantages of the Oakley FLAK glasses are many but the main advantages are

  • They don’t fog up
  • They keep bugs and stuff out of your eyes
  • They are really light
  • They don’t move around

Since the FLAKs are prescription glasses, I can actually see more of my surroundings.  My world has become a bit more in focus.  This is especially helpful during the early morning runs and late evening runs where light conditions aren’t optimal. 

Bottom Line

I highly recommend the Oakley FLAK 2.0 XL for running and if you need prescription sport glasses, SportRX is a great place to get them.

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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