Strava Summit | New Pricing Structure | Training, Safety and Analysis

Strava just launched a new pricing structure for Strava’s social network called Strava Summit.  For those that are wondering what Strava is, Strava works with your mobile phone or favorite GPS device to track your activities (Running and Cycling) and allow you to share those activities with your friends.  In the cycling world Strava is huge as cyclists compete for KOMs & QOMs.


Strava Summit | New Pricing Structure | Training, Safety and Analysis

Strava Summit includes 3 options or packs to choose from including

  • Training Pack
  • Safety Pack
  • Analysis Pack

Strava Summit Training Pack Safety Pack Analysis Pack

Strava offers a 3-tiered Summit pack. You can choose the pick that fits your needs or get all three.

Strava Training Pack

Strava Training Pack

The Strava Training pack is designed to help athletes customize their workouts and goals and perform post workout analysis.  One item that should have been included in the Training pack should have been live segments, since segments play a huge role in training and racing.  Unfortunately you must purchase the Analysis Pack in order to have that functionality.

  • Custom Goals: Set goals for segments, cycling power, personal time or distance. Weekly and Yearly Progress Goals help you stay motivated and keep your training on track.
  • Training Plans: For running and cycling to help you achieve your fitness goals.
  • Filtered Leaderboards: Filter segment leaderboards by age and weight.
  • Race Analysis: Detailed post-race breakdowns of your pace fluctuation and splits.
  • Segment Efforts: Compare performances with other athletes on your favorite segments.
  • Live Performance Data: Speed, distance, time, and data from your connected devices, in real time, on your mobile device.
  • Pace Analysis: Visualize your pace zones and lap data for all your running workouts.

Strava Safety Pack

Strava Safety Pack

The Safety Pack is designed with safety in mind providing details including a beacon and a personal heatmap to help authorities and family members locate you in case of emergency.

  • Beacon: Live location tracking for safer activities for athletes, and peace of mind for their friends and family. Beacon is available on the iOS and Android app, as well as selected Garmin devices.
  • Personal Heatmaps: Unique visualizations of all of the places you’ve run or ridden.

Strava Analysis Pack

Strava Anaysis Pack

The Analysis Pack is geared towards post workout analysis, but includes live segments, which seems a bit odd.

  • Relative Effort: Strava analyzes your heart rate data to quantify how hard you’re working and help you train smarter.
  • Workout Analysis: Visualize your pace zones and lap data for all your workouts on the iOS and Android app.
  • Live Segments: Your segment performance in real time, plus comparisons to your PR and the current KOM/QOM/CR. Live Segments are available on iOSAndroid, and select compatible devices.
  • Power Analysis: Utilize your power meter to analyze your activity and view training load, intensity, and more.
  • Fitness & Freshness: Track levels of fitness, freshness, and fatigue over time.

Strava Member Benefits (Included with all Packs)

Purchase any of the Strava Summit packs and receive the following.

  • Summit Perks: Exclusive deals from brands, retails, and more.
  • Premium Support: Expedited Support for our Premium members.

Strava Premium Pricing Tiers

Strava has three plans for you to choose from:

  • A FREE monthly plan which enables unlimited uploads and many of the features that make Strava worth using
  • A MONTHLY Premium subscription plan (Price varies per country)
  • A YEARLY Premium subscription plan (saving up to 38%) compared to the monthly subscription over 12 months (Price and savings varies per country)

Automatically renewing your subscription:

Your subscription will auto-renew unless canceled at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.

Bottom Line

For anyone who loves to cycle or run, Strava is definitely worth a look, especially if you are into group training runs or rides.  Strava’s post workout evaluation makes is a lot fun and gives you the ability to razz your friends with your workout efforts.

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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