Wahoo KICKR Trainer Rumors for 2018

I heard a few rumors kicking around about a new Wahoo Fitness KICKR trainer.  If true, 2018 is going to be an awesome year for cyclist wanting a trainer that is quieter and lighter than Wahoo’s current KICKR lineup.

2018 Wahoo KICKR Rumors

From what I understand the new 2018 model is going to be much more quiet and should be lighter as well.

There are a few gripes people have with the 2017 KICKR Trainer including

  • Trainer Noise Level
  • Weight of the trainer
  • Accuracy
  • Calibration

While Wahoo Fitness has made significant improvements over the original KICKR, there are still people out there that complain that the KICKR could be improved to match various aspects of the competition.

2 main gripes people still have with the 2017 KICKR model over previous versions is the noise level is still high and weight of the trainer unit is still really heavy.

The weight issue is in response to mostly women complaining that the trainer is hard to move due to it’s weight and moving it is often problematic.

The noise issue is in response to people comparing the KICKR to trainers such as the Tacx NEO and/or the Elite Drivo and saying the KICKR was louder and had a higher frequency pitch that was annoying.

From what I heard Wahoo is addressing both the issue with weight and noise level and wanted to tackle both of these issues with the next iteration of the KICKR.

From what I understand, lighter materials may be used (possibly using titanium) to lighten the trainer.

If true, this will put the KICKR at the top of all trainers BIG Time.

I haven’t heard whether accuracy or calibration is going to be addressed, but I am assuming that Wahoo will most likely be looking at both of these as well.

Lastly these are just rumors at this point, but they do seem plausible.

Wahoo KICKR Smart Electric Trainer Review

Tacx NEO vs Wahoo KICKR Trainer (2018 Comparison)

Top Indoor Electric Bike Trainers | 2018

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of GearMashers.com, 10KstepsDaily.com, EndTheTrendNow.com, AntiqueOutings.com, MiniatureReview.blogspot.com and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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