Garage Gym Gift Ideas

Below are some cool Garage Gym gift ideas you can get your significant other or heck get them for yourself.


GymPin – is designed to allow additional weight plates to be added to the side of your cable machine weight stack.

This GymPin is designed to be used with 2″ Olympic plates that have a 2″ (50.8mm) hole in the middle.

The part that enters the weight stack is available in 2 sizes: (select the same diameter size as your gym equipment’s existing weight stack pin)

  • 8mm (5/16″) diameter
  • 10mm (25/64″) diameter

Both sizes are proven to hold over 60kgs

The Bob

The Bob is a calf stretch/strengthening device. It retails for $70 plus tax and shipping.

BandBell Barbell

Bandbell Barbell – Earthquake Bar

The all-purpose kinetic juggernaut allows you to quickly add bands and start training. The first choice for high school, college, and pro-sports teams. The go-to choice for gyms, training facilities, and exercise programs everywhere.

  • Length: 80″
  • Weight: 6.3-lbs.
  • Bar Diameter: 1-1/2″
  • Loading Sleeve: 3″ diameter – 13″ length for more band loading capacity

The handmade and patented Earthquake bar is made of extremely durable composite resins and each end is topped off with solid ash loading sleeves to give it a maximum weight capacity of 300-lbs. Easy to load, it’s perfect for single-band rehab setups all the way up to complex kinetic variations using multiple bands with kettlebells, weights, chains, and the new BandBell Anchor Loaders™ and Strap-n-Hooks™. With endless variations to choose from, nervous system accommodation is a thing of the past.

Built For Athletes Backpack

Built For Athletes – Cool backpacks for active people on the go.

No Bull Cross Trainers

NoBull – With Reebok out of the Crossfit Games a new company has stepped up for 2021 called NoBull. NoBull makes super stylish trainers and running shoes, plus lots of apparel.

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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