Going Nutso For NuttZo Review (2018)
Ever since I can remember peanut butter has been in my life. Peanut butter crackers, peanut butter and apples, peanut butter and banana and my favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or PBJs. Yet in all those years the main ingredient was just the simple peanut.
The NuttZo Package Arrives
A few months back my wife and I were at a wedding and we got to talking to a friend of ours who happens to be NuttZo or rather a distributor for NuttZo. Anyway the product sounded really interesting and soon after talking and a few weeks a package arrived in the mail full of Nuttzo goodness.
Funny story. I went into the kitchen to grab one of the NuttZo Bold Bitez bars (They are NEW by the way) to try out and my wife looks at me and says you are going to be Boated to Bits. Apparently she thought I already had one and that somehow they would make me Bloated, which I never get. Ok maybe it isn’t that funny. I guess you had to be there. Still the look on her face and the way she said it made me laugh and want to write it down.
What’s The Deal With NuttZo?
My mother used to say everything in moderation including moderation or at least that is how I remember it. She also would remind me that I should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Well at NuttZo they apply that same logic to peanut butter or in their case, NuttZo spread.
NuttZo uses a combination of up to 10 different organic ingredients in their nut butter recipe. Each ingredient carries a nutritional profile that, when combined together, creates an awfully delicious and nutritious snack. SERIOUSLY!
Why Are They So NuttZo?
The makers of NuttZo wanted to spice things up a bit by blending various nuts and seeds into a yummy mix that can easily substitute for the old standard peanut. The ingredients they chose all have beneficial properties including
- Almonds – Organic Almonds contain protein and Vitamin E! Almonds are one of nature’s most perfect foods, offering magnesium as well as potassium, calcium, and fiber.
- Brazil Nuts – Organic Brazil Nuts are best known for being the number one plant source of the mineral selenium and sulfur-bearing amino acids.
- Cashews – Organic Cashews contain magnesium, manganese, selenium and zinc.
- Celtic Sea Salt – Rich in trace minerals.
- Chia Seeds – Organic Chia Seeds are an Aztec Superfood and are the best-known source of plant-based Omega 3s ALA. 60% of a Chia seed is composed of essential fatty acids and are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
- Dark Chocolate – Organic 70% Dark Chocolate from PERU. NuttZo’s dark chocolate is full of flavonoids, which are compounds that act as antioxidants and protect cells from harmful free radicals.
- Flax Seed – Organic Flaxseed have the richest source of lignans, 100 times more than the next best source, wheat bran.
- Hazelnuts – Organic Hazelnuts exhibit the highest folate (Vitamin B9) content of any tree nut.
- Pumpkin Seeds – Organic Pumpkin Seeds are a nutritional power pack that contain healthy unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, plus important nutrients.
- Peanut – Organic Peanuts provide over 30 essential nutrients and phytonutrients and are a natural source of niacin, folate, fiber, magnesium, vitamin E, manganese and phosphorus. They also are naturally free of trans-fats and sodium, and contain about 25% protein.
- Sunflower Seeds – Organic Sunflower Seeds are little bursts of power. In addition to linoleic acid, sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of dietary fiber and amino acids.
The NuttZo Taste Test
Well for those who love the nuttier side of life, you will certainly enjoy NuttZo’s lineup. It tastes really good and adds a little bit of spice to the plain peanut butter day in day out routine.
The NuttZo concoction spreads evenly and doesn’t seem to clump up after being refrigerated like some peanut butters do. So I give it a full thumbs up. The only downside and yes there is a downside is the price over normal peanut butter. Look to pay about double the price over your average brand. I did notice I used less spread partly because of the price and partly because I wanted the jar to last longer. In the end the combination of different nuts and using less spread is probably better for me anyway.
Bold Bits Be NuttZo
The Bold Bits are a rather strange creature. They need to be refrigerated, which kind of limits their use to your home or in a cooler.
I totally dig their taste, but the texture can be problematic because they tend to fall apart. It sort of reminds me of eating a butter finger without all the sugar. The bars can flake in bits leaving crumbles as you eat. Since there are ingredients such as flaxseeds in them, you will also have to watch out for some of the small seeds lodging between your teeth.
Probably not the best thing to eat before a first date or a job interview. Of course if you are married, you can go for it with style and just see how long it takes for your significant other to start laughing and pointing at your teeth or rather what is logged between them. Yes I did experience that exact situation. Of course I just laughed it off and proceeded to make fun of her toes.
Bloat Section
So do Nuttzo’s make bloat, not according to my Nuttzo wife who tends to bloat after eating peanut butter and looks a little bit like Violet from the Willie Wankas Chocolate factory who eats the gum and blows up like a big BLOATED blueberry. My wife had no bloat and gives Nuttzo 2 thumbs up!
Bottom Line – Nuttzo For Nuttzo
Check out Nuttzo (https://www.nuttzo.com/), so you can get a little Nuttzo yourself.
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