Lezyne Pedal Rod | Pedal Wrench Review

I am a huge fan of manly cycling tools.  That is not to say women can’t weld them, it’s just most cycling tools are what I consider masculine and as such are manly in my mind.  When you think about it, cycling and racing for the most part was a man’s sport before women got involved, so it stands to reason the tools would also follow suit.

In the cycling industry there are essentially 4 companies that stand out making great cycling tools including Abbey Bike ToolsLezynePark Tools and Pedro’s.  Of the 4, Lezyne and Abbey seem to go the extra mile in making tools that not only function the way they should, but look like they belong in an art studio.


Lezyne was founded on March 1st, 2007, by industry icon (and German native) Micki Kozuschek. In the prime of his career as a professional triathlete, Kozuschek began Maxcycles and brought affordable, high-quality bicycles and clothing to the German market. Shortly after moving to the USA, Kozuschek founded Truvativ, which grew to become a leading manufacturer of OEM and aftermarket cycling components. In 2004, Kozuschek sold Truvativ to SRAM and began a two-year break from the cycling industry to focus on building his dream home and spending time with his family.

Then in 2007, Kozuschek re-entered the cycling industry with Lezyne – Engineered Design.

Lezyne’s headquarters is located in San Luis Obispo, California, USA; all of their products are manufactured and assembled at their factory in Taichung, Taiwan, or by working closely with nearby vendors that produce parts exclusively for the Lezyne line.


Lezyne produces 2 versions of their Lezyne Pedal Rod including the CNC pedal rod and the Classic pedal rod.

So what is a Pedal Rod?  Pedal Rods are often referred to as a Pedal Wrench or Pedal Spanner and are used to remove pedals from cranks.  For those that cycle a lot, replacing pedals with new ones or doing maintenance often requires a visit to a bike shop.  Owning a good pedal wrench allows you the freedom to remove pedals with ease and saves you money in the long run.

When I am in the market for cycling tools I always look for heavy-duty, shop quality products.  Things that a bike mechanic will have hanging on their wall.  You know if they use them, they are probably pretty darn good.

Lezyne CNC Pedal Rod Pedal Wrench Spanner


Weight: 454g
Length: 370mm | 14.6in
Retail: $34.99
CNC machined aluminum handle with chromoly head.
Two 15mm offset wrench openings positioned for optimal leverage.
Integrated bottle opener.


Lezyne Classic Pedal Rod Pedal Wrench Spanner


Weight: 375g
Length: 360mm | 14.2in
Retail: $23.99
Shop quality pedal wrench.
Classic varnished wood handle with chromoly head.
Two 15mm offset wrench openings positioned for optimal leverage.
Integrated bottle opener.


Currently there are two types of pedals which require different tools to install or remove.  Those that can be removed with a Flat Pedal Wrench, like Lezyne’s Pedal Rods and those that require a 8mm hex wrench.
Yes I found out about this the hard way when I realized that my flat Pedal Wrench was useless when trying to swap out some Shimano pedals with Time ATAC pedals.  I didn’t realize that the Time pedals required a 8mm hex wrench to install or remove them.  It figures the French would screw things up for me.  Needless to say the bicycle shop was closed, so I was out of luck for that day.


Most pedals are stamped “L” for left and “R” for right.  The pedal threads will usually slope up toward its tightening direction. Left hand threads slope up to the left (reverse thread), while right hand threads slope up to the right.
Pedal Thread Directions Left and Right
To remove or loosen the Left pedal when facing the crank arm, place the pedal rod’s 15mm offset on the pedal and turn clockwise.  To remove or loosen the right pedal when facing the crank arm, place the pedal rod’s 15mm offset on the and turn counter clockwise.


Both the Lezyne CNC and Class Pedal Rods are well worth the investment.  It really boils down to looks, price and length.  For me the Lezyne Classic Pedal Rod is perfect.  It’s a great combination of price point, beauty and functionality.  The fact that both rods come with a bottle opener is bonus.  For those that are looking for a bit more leverage and heft, the Lezyne CNC Pedal Rods are 10mm longer and weigh 79g more.

Checkout Lezyne’s Website for lights, cycling tools and cycling related products.
Lezyne Cycling Pro Tool kit


About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of GearMashers.com, 10KstepsDaily.com, EndTheTrendNow.com, AntiqueOutings.com, MiniatureReview.blogspot.com and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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