Naked Nutrition In A Bar

Naked Nutrition In A Bar

A while back I received an email about some nutritional bars called Naked Bar. The name obviously provoked a bit of a reaction and so I was intrigued as to what these Naked Bars were all about.

As it turns out, the Naked Bar is actually one of several Naked products produced by a company called Naked Nutrition. The company’s goal is to provide the purest natural supplements possible without additional manmade additives or junk.


Naked Bar

The Naked Bars pack a whopping 15g of protein in every bar and contain only 5 or 7 ingredients depending on flavor. For those who have an intolerance to Gluten or Soy, rejoice because the bars are both Gluten and Soy free. The bars also don’t contain sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners, so you know you’re only getting the best ingredients.

Warning: For those who have peanut reactions, I would advise staying away from the bars because the factory that produces them also processes peanuts, tree nuts, milk, and soy.

Currently the bars come in 2 flavors, Chocolate Almond and Peanut Butter.

Naked Bar Chocolate Almond Flavor

Naked Bar Peanut Butter Flavor

Peanut Butter Naked Bar (Only 5 Ingredients)
Peanut Butter Naked Bar Nutritional Facts

Ryan over at Naked Nutrition sent over a box of both Chocolate Almond and Peanut Butter for me to test out.


After several weeks of eating them after workouts, at lunch and a few other occasions, I think the bars did a great job of providing a good nutritional snack, which settled any food craving I had. I never experienced any stomach discomfort or issues.

I wouldn’t recommend the bars for cyclists who want something to eat while riding because of the texture and chewiness, but I do recommend them post ride as a good recovery bar.

I also wouldn’t recommend them for runners during runs, but certainly afterward.


One of my pet peeves pertains to packaging and the ability to open it. For Naked, this clearly isn’t an issue, as it was easy to open the bar’s packaging each time I tried. Simply tear the top portion of the package and you could easily access the bars.


The bars don’t come off particularly sweet given their ingredients but are certainly acceptable. I did find that it was helpful having some liquid to wash them down with as they were a bit chewy.

As far as flavors go, I think I preferred the Peanut Butter over the Chocolate Almond, but that really boils down to personal preference. I am a peanut butter kind of guy.

The Chocolate Amond flavor kind of reminds me of a chocolate bar that has more chocolate and less sugar. Somewhere along the lines of a 70 to 80% Dark Chocolate bar. It comes off a bit bitter, but not overly so.

I think it would be cool to have a mixture of peanut butter with chocolate for a bar flavor choice. Maybe it could be created with 4 stripes, 2 chocolate and 2 peanut butter.

Price Point

Naked Nutrition’s price point for bars seems pretty reasonable for what you’re getting. At roughly $2.50 a bar (If you buy a 12 bar box), it’s not a bad investment for your bodies nutritional needs.

Cost Breakdown

Naked Nutrition sells the bars in either a sample pack of 2 for $5.99 or a 12 bar box for $29.99. For those who are looking to save a little money, the company also has a subscription plan that can save 5% off of retail.

You can also save on shipping costs if you purchase more than $49.00 worth of Nutritional products (Standard Mail: Free Shipping On All Order Over $49.)

Naked Nutrition Protein Powders

For those that have other nutritional needs, Naked Nutrition also sells a large selection of pure protein powders including  Grass-Fed Whey ProteinPea Protein Powder, and Organic Brown Rice Protein Powder.

Bottom Line

If you are looking for a company that has some pretty legit nutritional powders and bars, you should definitely visit Naked Nutrition.

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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