Born To Run – B2R Strength Training

The folks over at Born2Run sent us their B2R Strength Training System (level 1). For those that don’t know, Born2Run is the brain child of Eric Orton, who specializes in coaching runners to run better with less injury.
So what does running have to do with cycling? Well as it turns out the B2R system is a great way for cyclists to strengthen their feet. The feet form the foundation of many things we do from running to cycling to just getting up in the morning. As I get older I find I am not as limber or as strong as I once was and often find that strengthening my feet actually helps with posture, flexibility and lessens back issues.
B2R Strength Training – More than Meets The Eye.
The concept of the B2R Strength Training System is to develop better running economy through foot strength training exercises, but realistically it’s uses can be applied to any exercise involving your feet. The feet are vital for for promoting muscle activation up the leg, helping the athlete to “fire” or activate all the foot, leg, hip and core muscles used in running. The B2R system employs the use of a slanted balance board and balance poles, which help an athlete balance during foot exercise drills.
The B2R Strength Training System ($79.99) consists of
- Level 1 DVD
- B2R Slant Board
- Balance Poles
- Equipment Bag
When you first see the B2R strength package, you may think it is just some run of the mill product that isn’t very effect. We were very skeptical that a small little slant board would do very much. Well, WE WERE WRONG!
The Slant Board is very solid and built in such a way that it is much more challenging to balance on than it looks. The board has a round non-slip grip area where your feet are placed (One at a time), much like the non-slip tape skate boarders use on their skateboards. The board is slanted, which allows different types of uphill/downhill exercises. On the bottom of the board there are two boards inserted that looked like a T and it’s the down slope of the T that you are balancing on.
The Balance Poles are essentially walking or trekking poles with a built in shock absorber. Each pole has two twist knobs to adjust length and to reduce the size if packing up. The poles are used to help you keep your balance as you go through various exercises on the B2R Slant Board.
The DVD presents all the B2R Strength Training drills in an easy to follow format. You will find once you get the drills down, the DVD will start collecting dust. We think the DVD is probably the weakest part of the package. The video is ok, but we think it misses the mark in engaging the audience. Having cool outdoor setting, with some exciting music would probably be better.
Born2Run recommends that you start with the Level 1 package first, regardless of how you think your balance and athletic ability is. Once you master the B2R Strength Level 1, you can purchase the more advanced Level 2 and 3 Training System. If you do opt for the Level 2 and 3 training system and don’t get the Level 1, you will be missing the trekking poles.
We will be using the B2R Strength Training system over the next few months to see how things progress. The system seems really solid and we are really excited to see how we progress. Check our Facebook and website for more updates.
Find out more about the B2R Strength Training System (http://www.born2run.com/STRENGTHTRAINING.aspx).