Moment Smartphone Lenses

Moment Smartphone Lenses

At the end of last year, I contacted the fine folks at Moment to see about getting some of their very cool Moment Smartphone Lenses.

Almost everyone these days has a smartphone and it makes perfect sense for vloggers like me to want to use a phone in situations where bringing a traditional vlogging setup is inconvenient. Beyond that smartphones have become quite stellar at capturing video. Combine a smartphone with a Moment lens and the skies the limit.

Moment lenses are small, compact and turn any smartphone into a cinematic powerhouse. Moment has quite a few lenses in their lineup including an 18mm Wide Angle, 1.33x Anamorphic, 58mm Telephoto, 15mm Fisheye, and Macro lens.


Moment sent us 2 lenses (18mm Wide Angle and 1.33x Anamorphic lens) and an iPhone camera case used for lens attachment. The lenses are version 2 and have been improved slightly over the version 1 models. The biggest difference in the new M-Series mounting system, which makes it super easy to mount the lenses to the Moment’s smartphone case.

18mm Wide Angle, 1.33x Anamorphic and Camera Case
Each Lens Comes in its own box with a lens bag

Each Moment lens comes with a lens cap and bag.

Product-Review-Section-3 2020

When the lenses arrived they were oozing with quality and feel very professional. Moment uses aerospace-grade metals and hand-polished glass that is often found in high-end film lenses.

M-Series Mount

Moment lenses require an M-series mount, which Moment utilizes in their Camera cases.

Moment-Smartphone-Lenses M-Series Mount

Each lens comes with 2 tabs that lock the lens in place when mounted. Mounting a lens is quite easy and just requires a 90-degree twist-on motion. To remove the lens you simply reverse the process.

Comparing Lenses

I currently own an iPhone XR and with the Moment lenses attached I can create a wider field of view with the wide-angle lens or a more cinematic look with the Anamorphic lens.

iPhone XR Lens
Moment 18mm Wide Angle Lens
Moment 1.33x Anamorphic Lens

Moment Wide Angle Lens

Moment’s Wide-Angle 18mm M-series Lens was designed as an everyday, go-to wide-angle lens for mobile photographers and filmmakers. The cinema quality lens allows you to capture much more of the scenery than your typical smartphone can do.

Moment Anamorphic Lens

Typical lenses shoot a 16:9 aspect ratio, while the Anamorphic Lens captures at 2.40:1 making it ideal for widescreen viewing. In other words, you can capture a super wide-angle image with the inherent shallow depth of field and perspective of a telephoto lens.

The other advantage of an anamorphic lens is it displays a cool horizontal lens flare when taking a picture or video when a bright light source (car lights for example) is in the frame. In the pictures below, the light source was the sun reflecting off of a building.

Moment 1.33x Anamorphic Lens showing cool Flare
Moment 1.33x Anamorphic Lens showing cool Flare

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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