Tailwind Nutrition Rebuild Recovery Mix Review (2018)

Recently we reviewed an Endurance powered mix from a company called Tailwind Nutrition.  Well they have just launched a 2nd product in their nutritional line called Rebuild Recovery.

Tailwind Nutrition Rebuild Recovery Mix Review 2018

Tailwind Nutrition Background

To recap and give you a little background on the company.  The founder, Jeff Vierling, was looking for a product that he could use in endurance evens like the Leadville 100 that didn’t cause an upset stomach.  After several attempts he and his wife eventually came up with a formula that worked and formed a company called Tailwind Nutrition.  The company is currently based in Durango, Colorado, a much less expensive location than Boulder.

Tailwind Nutrition Rebuild Recovery Mix

Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Rebuild Nutritional Facts 2018What makes the Rebuild Recovery mix a bit unique is it’s patent-pending perfectly complete protein formulation.   It’s a combination of an organic rice and coconut milk-based vegan formula that is specially designed to restore your energy and recover muscles after exercise.

The Rebuild Recovery formula is based on essential building blocks your body needs after a workout including carbohydrates, amino acids, electrolytes, and protein.  These help to replace depleted glycogen stores, balance your
metabolism, and rebuild broken down muscle fibers

You might be saying to yourself

“Well other recovery drinks do that too, so what makes Tailwind’s Rebuild, so unique”

From my experience any drink mix post workout that contains both protein and carbohydrates will help you recover faster than drinking water or not eating right after a workout.  What I like about the Rebuild formula is it is super easy to mix and tastes surprisingly good.

For those who are Gluten intolerant, are Vegans, can’t consume Soy or Dairy, Rebuild has been specifically designed for your needs, which can’t be said for many recovery drinks.

Rebuild Recovery was formulated to be consumed in the first 30 minutes after exercise, the so-called “golden hour”, enhancing your bodies need for glycogen replenishment and/or energy restoration.

Currently the Rebuild Recovery mix is available in individual serving sized packages in both Chocolate and Vanilla flavors.  I haven’t seen any larger bags with multiple servings, but I assume Tailwind will also make those.

The individual Rebuild stickpacks will retail for $3 and the Rebuild Recovery mix will be available on the Tailwind Nutrition website next week.

Tailwind Nutrition Rebuild Recovery Mix single serving packs

Bottom Line – Tailwind Nutrition Rebuild Recovery Mix

Tailwind killed it with their Rebuild Recovery powder.  To say it taste good doesn’t do it justice.  You really have to experience it for yourself.

I was really surprised how well it mixed with water and how good the taste was.  I didn’t find any weird after taste or chalky feeling.  After drinking it, cleanup was a snap without any sticky residue.

I have to say the Rebuild mix is now my favorite post recovery drink mix.

You can pickup the Tailwind Endurance Fuel on Amazon and the Rebuild Recovery will most likely be available as well.

Check out Tailwind Nutrition’s website for more information.

Tailwind Nutrition Review (2018)

Endurance Tap and Untapped Maple Syrup Energy Review




Tailwind Nutrition Rebuild Recovery Mix


Summary Fantastic Post Workout Drink Mix.

TailWind Nutrition Rebuild Recovery

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of GearMashers.com, 10KstepsDaily.com, EndTheTrendNow.com, AntiqueOutings.com, MiniatureReview.blogspot.com and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

1 Comment

  1. Steve Speirs

    Great review! Rebuild also works well as a pre and post workout recovery snack


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