Thousand Cycling Helmet Review

Thousand, the brain child of Gloria Hwang, launched a very successful Kick Starter campaign for their Thousand Cycling Helmets.  Gaining traction with 2,274 backers and pledging $228,714 helped propel Thousand into the world of cycling.

Why Thousand Cycling Helmets?

Gloria didn’t wear cycling helmets, but after the loss of a friend in a cycling accident, she wondered why.  Going over the statistics she discovered there are roughly 1,000 bicycle-related fatalities every year and many more accidents where a person is permanently injured.   Many bicycle accidents involve the head hitting pavement or other hard objects.  To her this had become something more than just making a product, it had become a calling that would hopefully help save lives and prevent injury.

One reason for Gloria’s hesitation for wearing a cycling helmet, pertain to the style.  Many helmets simply looked too geeky or too roadie.  She wanted a helmet with style and something a bit retro.  Beyond that she wanted a helmet that people would actually want to wear, because it looked cool, yet still offered protection.  To that end Thousand became a reality.

Thousand Cycling Helmets Design Inspiration

Thousand Helmets were inspired by everything from vintage motorcycle helmets to Jack Kerouac’s travels.  From 7 a.m. commutes, to Sunday rides by the beach.  Heck I can see that Steve McQueen’s racing helmet had some influence.


Thousand Cycling Helmet Unboxing

We received the Thousand Stealth Black Cycling Helmet in size large.

Thousand Cycling Helmet Review Unboxing B

Thousand Helmet – Stealth Black – Size Large

Thousand Cycling Helmet Review Unboxing C

Thousand Cycling Helmet comes wrapped in a helmet bag

Thousand Helmet Unboxing

The helmet comes with fit pads, helmet bag, owners manual and post card.


Thousand Cycling Helmet Review

Not too long ago we were contacted about reviewing a helmet from a company called Thousand.  It was sort of funny timing, because I actually just saw the helmet at Mellow Johnny’s 2 days prior and thought it looked rather cool and very retro.  Normally we try to concentrate our reviews to road cycling and photography.  The Thousand Helmet is more of a commuter/city rider helmet and not something that a typical roadie would wear.  That said, since I am going to commute by bike this year, I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce a bike helmet like this.

When ordering the Thousand cycling helmet you will receive a package containing the helmet, fit pads, a helmet bag and owners manual.  We received a Heritage Thousand cycling helmet in size large with the Stealth Black color scheme.  The helmets currently come in 5 colors (Heritage collection) and 2 colors (Epoch collection).

Thousand Cycling Helmet Heritage Collection

Thousand Cycling Helmet Epoch Collection

Thousand Helmet Secret Poplock

Each Thousand helmet is designed with a magnetic pop-out section (hidden behind the logo mark) allowing you to use a U-lock or chain to lock your helmet.  As an added bonus, the Thousand company also provides a helmet theft guarantee.  We found that the pop-out section makes it super easy to lock the helmet with a U-lock.


Magnetic Chin Strap Buckle

One of the key features to the Thousand cycling helmets is a pinch-free magnetic chin strap buckle.  The buckle is super easy to use and clicks in easily.

thousand helmet chin strap magnetic buckle

Thousand Helmet Secret Vents

The Thousand Helmet comes with seven air vents (4 in the back and 3 on the top) and three cooling channels.  Living in a pretty hot climate, at least during the summer here in Austin, the lack of vents in the front does make this helmet run a bit hot.  My preference for a road helmet requires front vents, but since this helmet is more designed for cycling at a leisurely pace, I think the lack of frontal vents is probably fine.

Thousand Helmet Vegan Leather Straps

The helmets are designed using either a microfiber vegan leather strap or synthetic webbing.  Our Heritage helmet came with the synthetic webbing, which is pretty common among other bike helmets.  We found the helmet comfortable, but lacked adjustability of other helmets we have used.

Helmet adjustability is achieved by adjusting the chin strap and either side of the helmet straps.

For sizing it’s best to go smaller if you are on the fence between sizes.  The helmets come with interior fitpads that allow you to adjust the helmet fit if needed.

Product Specs

Thousand Cycling Helmet Product Specifications

Customer services is pretty legit and people seem very happy with them.

  • If between sizes, we recommend the smaller size. (See Fit Guide Photo for Sizing)
  • Built to meet CPSC and EN1078 standards.
  • Includes 2 sets of interior padding for a custom fit.
  • Lightweight helmet at 410g (S), 450g (M) or 490g (L).
  • Secret pop lock lets you lock your helmet with your bicycle with Anti-Theft Guarantee.
  • Retail $85

Bottom Line

Gloria and her Thousand team have come up with a great cycling helmet that is not only fashionable, but functional and seems to hit their target market perfectly.  For those looking to spice things up, check out Thousand’s website ( for cycling helmets and other cool gear.


About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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