TRX Suspension Trainer Review

TRX Suspension Trainer Review

So you’re looking for a training system, well the TRX Suspension Trainer might be just the ticket.  Back in 2015 Kathleen and I attended the The Running Event here and Austin, Texas and TRX was there showcasing their latest lineup. At that time we had the opportunity to workout with Chris Frankel (Head of Human Performance) learning some of the basics to TRX training.

The Running Even 2015

Fast forward to 2022 and not much has changed. The Running Event is still kicking in Austin, Texas, Chris Frankel still works at TRX as the Director of Programming and Kathleen and I are still doing reviews.

TRX History

TRX got its start back in 1997 when Navy SEAL Squadron Commander, Randy Hetrick, made use of a  jujitsu belt, parachute webbing and a little ingenuity to develop the first version of the TRX® Suspension Trainer™.  Over the years Randy has made improvements to his original designs that incorporate knowledge gained through repetitive use and feedback from customers.

Types of TRX training Kits

TRX was showcasing 3 distinct versions of their TRX Suspension Training Kits including

Back in 2015 we were fortunate to be given the TRX Home Gym and TRX Outdoor Gym (now called the Tactical Gym) for review.  We are still actually using the TRX systems 7 years later and haven’t had any issues. That is a testament to how good the equipment is.

All 4 TRX training systems are essentially the same, but the quality of both the parts and straps get better as you scale up in price.  You can think of the TRX Home2 as an entry level system and at the other end of the spectrum, the TRX Tactical Gym is a rock solid commercial grade product.  Regardless of which suspension trainer you choose, they all will allow you to perform the same basic exercises.

TRX Suspension Trainer Overview

The TRX Suspension Trainer provides an easy way to activate your core and strengthen your body while exercising.  Each Suspension Trainer allows you to incorporate over 300 different exercises and adjust the workload by simply using body weight and different angled positions.

So you might be wondering exactly what makes these straps so special.  Each suspension trainer is composed of 8 main parts including

  • Anchor Strap and Webbing including Anchor Loops
  • Carabiners
  • Adjustment Tabs
  • Equalizer Loop
  • Locking Loop
  • Adjustable Cam Buckles
  • Handles
  • Foot Cradles

TRX Tactical Trainer

Our favorite is the the Tactical Suspension Trainer®. It is TRX’s toughest design, making it rugged and outdoor-ready. TRX has upped the durable strap design to withstands 365 days of rain, cold, and sunshine. It was designed with the military in mind, where grit, durability, and ease of use are key to staying strong and fit no matter where you are.

Check out TRX to learn more about the TRX Suspension Trainer.

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.

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