Top 10 Urethane Dumbbells Review | 2024 | Best Comparison Chart

When purchasing dumbbells, urethane dumbbells are the clear winners when it comes to looks, performance, and longevity. In this article, we compare what we feel are the best urethane dumbbells in the market today and we created a urethane dumbbell comparison chart giving you a quick birds-eye view of what to expect when purchasing them. We have chosen 10 companies that we feel make some of the best urethane dumbbells around or 2024.

Urethane dumbbells are more compact, look much nicer and can withstand more punishment than their rubberized counterparts.

American Barbell Urethane Dumbbell 50 pounds

As an avid cyclist and runner, it’s important to stay fit and strong and cross-training with weights helps you perform better. So this year I thought it was a good idea to get a weight bench for those days I couldn’t make it to the gym.


There are a lot of different dumbbells out there from metal to rubber to select a weight combo dumbbells and finally to urethane dumbbells. Without a dought, urethane dumbbells are legit and that is why so many commercial gyms have them. They simply can take a beating and still look great.



  • Look Great
  • Built for Commercial Use
  • Sleeker Profile
  • Low Odor to Zero Odor
  • Made From Steel vs Cast Iron
  • More Accurate Weight
  • Tear resistance which prevents chipping or cracking
  • Cost – $2 or more per pound
  • Hard to Find Used
  • Many companies don’t sell pairs, but only sell set lbs of 5 -50 for example

Note: Some of the companies listed below realistically only sell B2B at the commercial price point of dumbbell sets (i.e. 5-50 lbs sets) and lack any sort of retail distribution to offer purchases of individual dumbbell pairs. Obviously these companies know their business, but companies like Rogue Fitness have been able to capitalize on the home gym and garage gym market and offer commercial-grade dumbbells to their clients at a much lower and reasonable price point.

Given how easy it is to sell and ship products on the internet, I am a little surprised that companies don’t invest a little more in resources to sell to a broader audience. There certainly is a market and demand and for me personally, I want to use gym-quality commercial equipment regardless if I am at the gym or my home. Heck if a cyclist or runner is willing to throw down $ every year to get a new bike, they certainly have enough money to buy good weight equipment.

One thing I have noticed is most commercial quality dumbbells are pretty hard to find used unless you are buying in bulk. Occationally you will find a deal, but most sellers are wanting top dollar even on the used market.

Below is a Comparison Urethane Dumbbell Chart showing all the urethane dumbbells we cover in our review.

Urethane Dumbbell Comparison Chart

Increments50lb Price
Set Price
American Barbell
Round32mm (5lb-95)lbs
35mm (100-125)lbs
5 lbsSet: 5LB - 50LB $3800
14 Sided38 mm5 lbsSet: 5LB - 50LB
Request A Quote
Hampton FitGelRoundSet: 5LB - 50LB $4,293.00
50lb $520.00
Iron GripSteel
12 sided31.7 mm (5-27.5)lbs
34 mm (30 - 150)lbs
5lbs Set: 5LB - 50LB
Request A Quote
2.5 & 5 lbsSet: 5LB - 50LB $5,150.00
Rep FitnessSteel
Round32mm: 5-50 lbs
34mm: 55+
50lb $235.49
Free Shipping
Rogue FitnessSteel
Round31mm up to 45 lbs
34mm 50+
50lb $310.00
Set: 5LB - 50LB $1,650.00

Titan FitnessSteelRound50lb $243.97
Troy FitnessSteel12 Sided34mm.5 lb. 52.5 lbs
5lbs 52.5+
Set: 5LB - 50LB
Request A Quote
VulcanSteelRound32 mm 5-100 lbs
34 mm 105-150 lbs
5 lbsSet 5lb - 50lb $1,210.99
50lb $220

Table Of Contents

We recently picked up a Life Fitness Signature Series Incline Bench for doing weights and crosstraining at home. It’s probably one of the best commercial-grade incline benches I have ever seen or used. The bonus was we got it for a steal of a deal. It retails for $1,500 and we picked it up for $200 off of craigslist.

Life Fitness Signature Series Incline Bench

With such an amazing bench, you certainly don’t want to skimp on dumbbells and realistically we only need a few sets to workout with. So I started looking around and it seems urethane dumbbells offer the best overall performance compared to others on the market. The big downfall, of course, is they are wicked expensive. Because they have urethane coating, the price jumps up to roughly $2+ or more a pound, which when your buying multiple sets can really add up fast. The other downside is the used market just isn’t there. No one seems to be selling them cheap on Craigs List or FB Marketplace.

Fixed Urethane Dumbbells

Fixed urethane dumbbells are very popular with most commercial, university and government-run gyms and currently are at the top of the premium dumbbell food chain. At first glance (technically polyurethane or PU) dumbbells don’t look much different than rubber dumbbells, over time, however, they exhibit much better performance, longevity, and appearance.

The main advantage of using a fixed dumbbell is it almost always comes in a smaller, easier to manage size than an adjustable dumbbell.

The main disadvantage, of course, is fixed dumbbells are fixed, meaning if you need lighter or heavier weight you will need to purchase another pair. Depending on your needs, this can get quite expensive, as you need more and more pairs of dumbbells to workout with

Main Advantages Of Purchasing Urethane Dumbbells

If you are still trying to decide what the main advantages are for purchasing urethane dumbbells here is a list

  • Look Better Over Time – Urethane is a very durable coating that can take a lot of abuse and still look good.
  • Don’t Breakdown – Urethane doesn’t break down like rubber does from temperature changes or sunlight
  • Low Odor – Urethane has little to zero odor
  • Logo – Urethane allows for easy addition of logos
  • Made From Steel – Most if not all urethane dumbbells are made from steel rather than other inferior metals.
  • Wide Range Of Weights – They can be made from 5lbs to 200lbs (American Barbell).
  • Have A Smaller Profile – Most Urethane dumbbells are smaller than traditional cheaper rubberized dumbbells.

Main Disadvantage of Purchasing Urethane Dumbbells

When it comes to disadvantages, the main point is urethane dumbbells are expensive. Depending on the company, they can be really expensive. Another disadvantage is people tend to hang on to them and you rarely see them being sold used on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. If they are sold, it’s usually in sets or higher weight brackets (70 – 100 lbs) and rarely in the 5 to 50 lb range.

Coating Thickness

Unlike rubber-coated dumbbells, urethane coated dumbbells usually have a thicker coat or encasing. Cheaper urethane dumbbell manufacturers, like those from China, will skimp on the Urethane as well as other materials to lower the price of the product.

Ivanko claims that they make the thickest Urethane in the Industry.

Urethane Dumbbell Coating Thickness
From the Article (Rediscovering American Quality)

Urethane vs Rubber | What’s the Difference?

Polyurethane or just urethane for short is just another form of rubber that has been modified by changing the chemical makeup to make it a different product.

Urethane is a toxic man-made substance. Rubber, on the other hand, comes from trees and plants. Because urethane is man-made, it has been formulated to wear better and stand up to harsher environments and sunlight. That is why many commercial gyms and fitness facilities purchase urethane dumbbells rather than their less expensive rubber counterparts.

Unlike Rubber, urethan doesn’t give off a musky smell, in fact, it is pretty much odorless.

The disadvantage, of course, is since urethane is man-made it ends up costing more to produce and use, doubling or tripling the overall cost of the dumbbell. Certain companies have developed secret formulas to make the urethane adhere better to metal provide less chance for failure and cracking.

Urethane Dumbbell Failure, Defects, and Cracks

While Urethane dumbbells are supposed to be king when it comes to longevity, I do have one pair that has cracked and the urethane has split. Once this has happened, making the necessary repairs may prove futile as there aren’t any really good urethane repair kits.

Now from what I have been told, a cracked urethane dumbbell is more of an anomaly and in fact, I tried searching for others who have experienced this with not much luck.

Many manufacturers carry a 5-year warranty on their urethane dumbbells. The downside is if you didn’t register them, you may be out of luck. Also, most warranties only extend to the original purchaser and are non-transferable. To me, this is a bit of a cop-out. If a company stands behind its product, it shouldn’t matter if the product changed hands within the warranty time frame.

Urethane Dumbbell Showing Cracks
Crack in a Urethane dumbbell

Price Point

Urethane is the buzz word for quality dumbbells and companies who make them will definitely price them accordingly, making you pay a premium.

Most urethane dumbbells will be priced out of reach of most mortals, well unless you are a gym owner or have a contract to purchase them for the government or military. Priced per pound, quality urethane dumbbells will run anywhere from $4 to $8 a pound.

Round or Multi-Sided

Most dumbbells come in one of 2 flavors, round or multi-sided. The advantage of the multi-sided dumbbells is they will not roll once set down. Both Eleiko (14 sides) and Iron Grip (12 sides) are multi-sided. The advantage of round dumbbells is the fact that they typically take up less space.

Product-Review-Section-3 2020
American Barbell Urethane Dumbbell

American Barbell Urethane Dumbbells

American Barbell has several versions of urethane dumbbells including Series 1, Series 2 and Series 4.

Of all the urethane dumbbells listed in this article, I like the look of the American Barbell the best. While American Barbell’s competitors source their own urethane from the US or Sweeden, American sources theirs from Germany and produce dumbbells from 5 to 200lbs. The steel is still sourced in the US and it comes equipped with a chrome-plated handle.

View of American Barbell Urethane Dumbbells at a gym on a red and back dumbbell rack

A 5 – 50lb set retails for around $3,800.


  • Grip Diameter ( 5-95LB- 32MM, 100-125LB- 35MM)
  • Solid Steel Core
  • Cast Molded
  • High strength steel chrome-plated handles
  • Spline Anti-Loosening technology
  • German high-grade urethane
Eleiko Urethane Dumbbell
Fixed Version of The Eleiko EVO Urethane Dumbbell

Eleiko Urethane Dumbbells

Eleiko ( hails from Sweeden and has 6 decades of experience. Their top-end urethane dumbbells are called EVO and they make a fixed version and a rotating version, something that other companies in this lineup don’t have. Both versions come with 14 sides that prevent rolling. The rotating version was designed based on Eleiko’s extensive experience with barbells.

View of Eleiko Urethane Dumbbells on a dumbbell rack

The rotating Evo Dumbbell is designed for dynamic explosive movements such as the dumbbell snatch and other weightlifting-movements. The rotating handle also puts less stress on joints in movements such as biceps curls and delivers a unique smooth feeling that you immediately understand when you experience it.

The fixed handle Evo Dumbbell is a more classic design that is perfect for pressing movements, such as chest and shoulder presses.

Both are designed to offer maximum performance and outstanding durability over time. You can do everything from a training standpoint with either one, it’s simply a matter of preference and what type of training you tend to lean towards – dynamic and explosive or more slow and controlled.

I am not sure if the steel is sourced from Sweeden, but if it is, I am quite certain it’s high quality. I have a few WWII Sweedish Mauser rifles that used Sweedish steel and they look amazing and almost like new, even today.

One thing the video above showed is unless they swapped out dumbbells while shooting, the testing dumbbell’s urethane coating didn’t fail or crack.


  • LENGTH 312 mm / 12.28 in.
  • WEIGHT 20 kg / 44.09 lbs
  • WARRANTY 5 years 
  • GRIP DIAMETER 38 mm / 1.5 in.
  • HEAD DIAMETER 170 mm / 6.69 in.
  • GRIP LENGTH 130 mm / 5.12 in.
  • 14 sides
Hampton Fitness Urethane Dumbbell 25lbs

Hampton Fitness GEL-GRIP Urethane Dumbbell 

Hampton Fitness was in 1996. The company’s dedicated team of fitness equipment experts is headquartered in Ventura, California, and Hampton free weight products are sold both directly and through a large network of independent dealers all over the country.

The Hampton’s Gel-Grip® Series dumbbells are their top performing urethane dumbbells.

The Gel-Grip® urethane handle prevents your hand from moving during your workout. The Gel-Grip handles are ergonomically designed and contoured to support the hand’s natural curve for a comfortable, solid grip.

View of Hampton Fitness Urethane Dumbbells At a gym

Its non-porous surface does not collect germs or bacteria as other knurled handles do. The outside shoulders of each handle have been expanded to 50 millimeters, which centers the handle and eliminates the painful impact typical of traditional handles that slide during workouts. Our stainless steel faceplates offer custom-engraved decals for your brand-name recognition.

Available in 36 different sizes from 5 lbs to 52.5 lbs in 2.5 lb increments and 55s lb to 130 lbs in 5 lb increments.

Iron Grip Dumbbell 50 pounds

Iron Grip Urethane Dumbbells

Iron Grip boasts the Made in USA label, so you can be sure the quality of their urethane dumbbells is excellent.

View of Iron Grip Urethane Dumbbells At a gym

There are several features that make the Iron Grip urethane dumbbells unique including its 12-sided heads and 3 handle configurations including

  • Straight
  • Contour
  • XL Handle

Another cool feature Iron Grip offers is logo printing on the weights.

Types of Iron Grip Dumbbells

Pricing isn’t available on the Iron Grips website, so you will need to contact them for dumbbell costs.


  • Commercial quality for use in clubs, gyms and military fitness installations
  • Solid steel heads are precision drilled and bored to ensure close tolerance
  • Heads feature a patented 12-sided design that resists rolling off of benches or across the gym floor
  • Steel handles are hard chromed, knurled and have a thickness of 1-1/4″ for 5-27.5 lb. pairs and 1-3/8″ for 30-150 lb. pairs
  • Handle Style: Knurled straight round handle or contoured handle with ergonomically shaped gripping area
  • Dumbbell handle shoulders (fat end) measure 1.625″ (5-27.5 lbs.) and 1.75″ (30 lbs. and above) for round and contoured handles
  • Handle length is 5.75″ from inside head to inside head
  • Grip Length: 3.25″ (knurled section)
  • Overall dumbbell lengths range from 7.25″ (5 lbs.) to 15.25″ (100 lbs.)
  • Head diameters start at 6″ (5-27.5 lbs.) and go to a maximum of 8″ for dumbbell rack compatibility
  • The radius of each steel slug is chamfered on the outside to displace the force of the impact between the steel slug and urethane coating for longer impact resistance
  • No maintenance. Solid steel handles are hydraulically press-fit through solid steel heads and are fully welded for maximum strength
  • Maximum protection from harsh environments
  • Impact-resistant matte finish urethane is a low odor, will not crack or fade and prevents damage to floors and equipment
  • Urethane coating is a minimum of 3/8″ thick
  • Quieter workouts compared to solid steel dumbbells
  • Great for total body toning, strengthening and muscle building
  • Weight sizes are permanently engraved into each dumbbell head and will not wear off
  • Custom colored logos are available (upcharge)
  • Custom sizes available up to 175 lbs. Please inquire if interested.
  • Proudly Made In The USA
  • 5-Year full commercial warranty against breakage
Ivanko Dumbbell 45 pound

Ivanko Urethane Dumbbells

Ivanko Urethane dumbbells are 100% Made in the USA.  No Welds.  No Allen Bolts.

Ivanco has also been producing fitness equipment for quite some time, in fact, their website looks like something out of the ’90s. It might be time for a facelift, but that being said, Ivanco makes excellent weight lifting products.

View of Ivanko  Urethane Dumbbells At a Crossfit gym

Ivanko tops our list as the most expensive dumbbells with the 5 – 50lb set selling for $5,150.00, making it roughly 3 times as much as most other companies are charging. While I love the Ivanko brand, I just can’t see the justification for such a purchase, even if the urethane is superior and thicker.

The Ivanko Difference:  Our military-grade hard chrome handle has a finish that is 75% the hardness of a diamond.  Our commercial-grade urethane, which resists abrasions and scratches, will not split, crack, or peel.  Our engraved markings (name & weight designation) are heat-infused to the dumbbell in such a way that they will never fade or come out.


  • Highly accurate.
  • Beautiful proportions.+ This urethane does not “melt”!
  • Matte finish.
  • 1045 solid steel, 1 piece handle.
  • Stainless steel handles available.
  • Non-welded, mechanically fastened.
  • Made in the USA.
  • 5-150 pounds (2.5 or 5 lb. increments).
  • 2-70 kilograms (2kg increments).+ 5-15 lbs (2, 4, 6KG) take 29mm handles; all else: 35mm handles.
Rep Fitness 30 pound Urethane dumbbells

Rep Fitness Urethane Dumbbells

Rep Fitness is a small, family-owned business started in 2012 by 2 brothers with a love for fitness. There is nothing overly special about their urethane dumbbells, except the price point. For the money, Rep Fitness offers quality at a more affordable price.

Their Rep Fitness urethane 40lb pair retails for $188, significantly less than say Rogue’s $255 price point. Rep Fitness doesn’t list larger 5 – 50lb sets, although I am sure they would do those as well. While Rep Fitness is less expensive than Roque, you do have to pay shipping, which can also add up, so in the end, it might not be as big of a savings deal.

View of Rep Fitness Urethane Dumbbells At a fitness studio


  • Available in 5-100lbs in increments of 5 lb.
  • Custom logos and color combinations available (12-16 week lead time, ordered as part of full gym outfitting)
  • 3% accuracy on all dumbbells
  • CPU urethane coating–the most durable urethane available
  • Handle diameter: 32mm: 5-50 lbs; 34mm: 55+ lbs. 6 inch handle length
  • Fit on either Rep Dumbbell Rack or Victory Commercial Rack. Rack sold separately.
  • 5-year Structural Warranty
Rogue Fitness 40 pound Urethane Dumbbell pair

Rogue Fitness Urethane Dumbbells

Rogue Fitness is a leader in CrossFit and Commerical Home Gym equipment, so it should come as no surprise that Rogue makes some outstanding urethane dumbbells. Rogue Urethane Dumbbells are sold in pairs and available in 5LB increments up to 150LB. 

View of Rogue Fitness Urethane Dumbbells at a fitness center

Each precision-machined handle on Rogue’s Urethane Dumbbells is the same 6″ in length and includes a medium-grade knurling for a firm but comfortable grip. The handle diameter is 31mm for dumbbells up to 45LB and 34MM for dumbbells 50LB and up.

Rogue sells both Urethane dumbbell sets and individual pairs. Rogue’s 5 – 50LB set is $1,650 and an individual 40LB pair will set you back $255. Rogue does offer free shipping, which can add up, especially when you order the dumbbell sets, so you need to take that into consideration.


  • Sold in Pairs
  • Weight Increments: 5LB – 150LB
  • Solid Steel Heads with Black Urethane Plating
  • Straight 6” Hardened Chrome Handle
  • Medium-grade knurling for optimal grip
  • Fully welded as a single-piece unit
  • Tolerance: +/- 3% of claimed weight
  • Black matte finish for a clean, sleek look
  • Rogue logo and weight measurement in white print on black

See More: Dumbbells Available from Rogue

Dumbbell Head Diameter

Weight5LB – 15LB20LB – 30LB35LB – 45LB50LB – 125LB130LB – 150LB
Head Diameter127MM153MM173MM193MM204MM
Titan Fitness 50 pound dumbbell

Titan Fitness Urethane Dumbbells

As far as I know, most Titan Fitness products are produced in China and from the reviews I have seen, tend to be of less quality than companies like Roque Fitness. The good news is Titan Fitness products usually come at a substantial discount compared to others. Another huge benefit of buying Titan products is shipping is free, which when buying weights can add up quickly.

Titan Fitness urethane dumbbell at a YMCA


  • Each handle features knurling for a secure grip.- Black matte finish for a clean, professional look.
  • Titan dumbbells are sold in pairs and are available in 5-pound increments from 5 – 120 LB.
  • Handle Diameter: 1.25″
  • Handle Width: 6
Troy Fitness 35 pound Urethane Dumbbell

Troy Fitness Urethane Dumbbells

Last on our list of urethane dumbbell manufactures is Troy Fitness. Troy makes a 12 sided urethane dumbbell, similar to the Iron Grip dumbbells, but with more roundness going towards the center.

View of Tory Fitness Urethane Dumbbells in a workout room


  • Handle Grip Size: 34mm
  • Handle length: 5.5″
  • Product Options: Round “T” Clog design. (Custom Logo only)
  • Available in:
    5 lb. through 150 lb. in 5 lb. increments.
    .5 lb. sizes from 7.5lbs. up to 52.5 lbs. (5lb increments)
    Laser Engraved CUSTOM LOGO Available
Vulkan 50 pound urethane dumbbells

Vulcan Urethane Dumbbells

Vulcan has been around since 2009 and is based in Charlotte, North Carolina. They focus on supplying equipment for Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit, Home Gyms and Commercial Gyms

The Vulcan Prime Dumbbells utilize a solid-steel shaft that has a moderate knurl and chrome finish. Like Rep Fitness, Vulcan offers a very competitive price for quality dumbbells.

The Vulcan Prime dumbbells have a black textured urethane head, easy to read grey numeral increments and high-quality construction. Listed at a more than affordable price point, these urethane dumbbells feature a solid steel core, hard chrome plated handle with medium knurl, and a high-grade 90 Shore Hardness urethane head. Rounded inner and outer edges of these dumbbells make them more comfortable to use when performing any movement where the dumbbell comes in contact with your body such dumbbell bench presses, dumbbell cleans, dumbbell presses, and dumbbell push presses.

View of Vulkan Urethane dumbbells at a fitness center


  • Handle Diameter: 32 mm 5-100 lbs & 34 mm 105-150 lbs
  • Offer weights from 5-150 lbs in 5 lbs increments

While you certainly can’t go wrong with any of the above company dumbbells, I find the higher priced American Barbell, Iron Grip and Ivanko dumbbells to be on the high end of the price spectrum. These companies sell to large organizations and are set up that way and realistically aren’t looking to fill small orders of dumbbell pairs or cater to low volume sales.

For those individuals looking to set up a home gym or garage gym, your best bet is to purchase from companies like Rep Fitness, Rogue Fitness, and Vulkan. Those companies all have excellent eCommerce set up on their websites for quick individual sales. If you are looking to save on shipping Vulcan and Rep Fitness might be the best choice of the bunch as both have FREE shipping options.

Please let me know in the comments below what your experience is with these companies and how satisfied you are with your purchases.

About The Author

Tom Crandall

Tom has been writing about photography, cycling, running and fitness since 1988, covering everything from the product reviews to the latest in fitness trends. Tom is the Editor-in-chief of,,,, and a few other publications, he began racing in college while getting an Information Resource Management degree at George Mason University. Based in the photography and cycling-crazed city of Austin, Texas, with his wife Kathleen and pug Olaf, Tom enjoys running, walking or riding most every day.


  1. Terry

    Really helpful review Tom. Thank you so much!

  2. CG

    The best urethane dumbbells in the World are Eleiko. They cost more, but so does a Lexus! You get what you pay for. The others are nice too, but they are not in the same class as Eleiko!

  3. phil patti

    Hey Tom, not only does American Barbell offer individual pairs I can assure you that the Series 4 will Rival the best of best. If you price compare they are less expensive than probably everyone on your list and they are FULL COMMERCIAL. Series 1 is the ONLY Dumbbell ever created that actually gets stronger the more its used. There is no stronger Dumbbell available. Additionally, our numbers and logos in all Urethane products are molded into the body not colored in after, a process AB pioneered. What the readers can’t see is the urethane bonding issues that all those Chinese versions have. Entire faces will be gone quickly in a high use environment. Thank you

  4. John

    Rep Fitness DOES NOT offer free shipping on anything. I also highly doubt any of these companies don’t get a majority of their inventory from China and “assemble” them in the US. Your article is very informative. You might want to also elaborate on customer service which is just as important as the dumbbell or anything you plan to buy. A big competitor you’re missing is

  5. Rocky

    Hello Tom Crandall,
    Thank you so much for sharing such a great article. It greatly helped me to buy new urethane dumbbells. Your enough information to make my shopping process much easier. I am very glad about my new dumbbells working properly. Good wishes.

  6. Langdon

    Rep Fitness offers free shipping and doesn’t offer a 5-50lb urethane DB set? May want to double check that, otherwise I appreciate the info. Thanks!



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